Azure Private Link Service explanation and demos from provider (SaaS ISV) and consumer perspectives
In this video, we look at the Azure Private Link Service feature that enables providers (such as Independent Software Vendors building SaaS products) to let consumers access the provider’s service using private IPs from consumer’s own Azure Virtual Networks.
As an end-to-end demo, we use a few simple Azure Resource Manager Bicep templates to deploy the provider and consumer Azure resources and show how consumer can make HTTP calls to an NGINX service hosted by the provider using private IPs.
You can see the code used in the video at
Video Walkthrough
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Video Chapters
00:00 Introduction to Azure Private Link Service
04:30 Deploy Provider with Public Load Balancer
13:05 Review Provider
16:15 Deploy Consumer
22:30 Review Consumer
27:40 Use Consumer to Call Provider with Public Load Balancer
33:10 Deploy Provider with Internal Load Balancer
35:15 Network Security Groups on Public Load Balancer
39:59 Private Endpoint to Internal Load Balancer
43:10 DNS considerations for Consumer
44:55 Use Consumer to Call Provider with Internal Load Balancer
Going deeper
In the next video, we are going to deep dive into the TCP Proxy Protocol v2 capability of Azure Private Link Service.
To see additional examples of Bicep templates for creating provider and consumer see my colleague Paolo Salvatori’s blog post Create a Private Link Service using Bicep.
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